Community picnic, we’re all gathered round

Loud laughter and merriment soon will abound

Children are here with their mom and their dad

Folks coming together. Good time to be had


Angry bees and mad wasps. Mosquitoes and flies

Annoying and painful despite their small size

You’re swatting and swinging. You’re under attack

Fighting them off with a smack and a whack!

A bad circumstance! There’s ants in your pants! 

You jump up and down. You tap dance and prance

Resisting the urge to yank your trousers down

If you scratch yourself THERE, you’ll be asked to leave town!

People have traveled from FAR and from NEAR

Uncle Bob has managed to sneak in some beer

When he gets a snoot full, ends up on all fours

Passes out! Poison ivy! The joys of outdoors!

His wife is Aunt Rose, who diverts a disaster

No one can make Bob sober up any faster

Tipsy with welts, he’s now down on one knee

Aunt Rose is ticked off. Bob is filled with beer glee!

Allergies flying around in the breeze

You cough, and you snort! You sneeze, and you wheeze!

A big gust of wind blows a toupee away

Man’s day is now ruined cause his hair wouldn’t stay!

Best thing about picnics is all of the food

Especially anything that’s been BARBEQUED!

Meat dripping in fat and meat slathered with grease

YES! What could it hurt to have just one more piece?

Burgers, and hotdogs, and chicken, and more

Big juicy spare ribs that we so adore

Vegetarians aren’t present. Not one within sight

So fire up those grills. Meat lovers unite!

Potato salad! GOOD! It’s creamy and yummy!

BUT NO!!! It’s gone BAD and will soon hit your tummy!

Just hours from right now, you will moan, and you’ll groan

As you sit on the floor tightly hugging the throne!

Explosive baked beans are a grim picnic blight

On the car ride back home in a space that’s airtight

Crank down those windows. Let in the fresh air

The smell is so gruesome, it’s too much to bear!

Uncle Bob is still drinking. He hides from Aunt Rose

But he cannot fool her. She knows what she knows

Her husband is sneaky! Makes her shout and yell

Whenever Rose finds him – Bob’s going to catch hell!

When it’s all said and done, there’s a price for the fun

You’ll suffer and pay for your time in the sun

Let’s take a quick peek at the lows and the frights

Hang on as we cringe at the picnic “high-lights”!


Bad bugs. Bad food

Pouring rain ruins the mood

Sack race, when you slip

At your age, you break a hip

Throw a frisbee in the air

Hits Aunt Rose, who starts to swear

Drops the F-bomb!

Children near

All four letters they can hear!

Heat index has reached 110

Sweating like a pig again!

Spiders! Ticks! Lizards! Yuk!

Creepy critters run amok!

Bathrooms locked! Gotta go!

Cross your legs to stop the flow

Uncle Bob behind a tree

Too much beer. He had to pee!


It’s finally over. The nightmare has ended

A fresh air disaster. Too bad you attended

Such misery and suffering will make you decide

The best kind of PICNIC – is one that’s INSIDE!!!

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